GameCity Nights – Starting Up!

Tuesday 26 February 2019

7:00 pm : Main Stage





Special guest Katie Nelson, CEO of Blueprint Games joins us to talk about start-ups and their awesome new project ‘Billie Bust-Up’.

A unique insight into what it’s REALLY like to start your own videogame company…

Not only that, but The Little Professor returns to mark your essays, special guests drop-in on video AND the house band have been practicing extra-hard to test your musical knowledge and patience.

Videogames’ night out is not to be missed!


GameCity Nights – Starting Up!

Special guest Katie Nelson, CEO of Blueprint Games joins us to talk about start-ups and their awesome new project ‘Billie Bust-Up’.

A unique insight into what it’s REALLY like to start your own videogame company…

Not only that, but The Little Professor returns to mark your essays, special guests drop-in on video AND the house band have been practicing extra-hard to test your musical knowledge and patience.

Videogames’ night out is not to be missed!


NTU Big Bang press image for Metronome Nottingham

NTU Big Band Live

Celebrate the end of the January blues with a night of swing and jazz from NTU Music's award-winning Big Band, featuring everything from Miles Davis to Frank Sinatra. *Discounts apply*